Recover the IV of an AES operation by utilising imperfect knowledge of the key and encrypted output.

Challenge Description




Zip Password: image_q

Your small program has been drew by kid, some values are missed, but you feel
you can restore it!

Please try to find the value of AES IV key.


After extracting the ZIP file, we obtain this image:


To make things a little clearer, let’s transcribe what we can into a python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import sys
import binascii

target = "fe100000000000000000000000009ec3307df037c689300bbf2812ff89bc0b49"

def encrypt(message, passphrase):
    aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
    return aes.encrypt(message)

def decrypt(message, passphrase):
    aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
    return aes.decrypt(message)

if len(sys.argv) < 2:
    print "Please input your data!"

print "encrypted Data: " + binascii.hexlify(encrypt(sys.argv[1], KEY))

So let’s take inventory of what we are missing:

  1. 2 bytes out of 16 from the key
  2. 25 out of 64 hexadecimal digits from the ciphertext
  3. the entire 16 bytes of the IV.

Okay, so our objective is to recover the IV from what information we have. Some important observations we have to make before we begin are:

  • The plaintext message is exactly 32 bytes long. This means there will be two full ciphered blocks with no padding required. Indeed, the output is 32 bytes long.
  • There are 100 x 100 possible keys (10000) assuming the key is within the set of printable characters.
  • We have an uncorrupted full ciphered block. This is the second block of the cipher text: 307df037c689300bbf2812ff89bc0b49.
  • Our corrupted ciphered block is: fe100000000000000000000000009ec3.
  • We definitely need to recover the uncorrupted key and the uncorrupted first block to recover the cipher.
  • Since the IV is always only used in XOR operations, we can safely set it to all zeroes. This effectively means that anything XOR’d with the IV will be itself. i.e. 0xdeadbeef ^ 0 == 0xdeadbeef.

Now that we have our basic observations, we can refresh our understanding of the CBC decryption process. Taken from Wikipedia:

CBC Decryption

If we pay attention to what’s going on in reverse during the CBC operation, we can see that the output of the decryption of the last block operation is the XOR of the previous block’s cipher text and the current block’s plain text. Now this can be expressed like so:

plaintext_n = decrypt(key, ciphertext_n) ^ ciphertext_n-1
ciphertext_n-1 = decrypt(key, ciphertext_n) ^ plaintext_n

This gives us a way to do recover our key and first block of cipher text since we know that the full plain text of block two (“rotected by AES!”) and some digits of the cipher text of the previous block. Our sketch to do this is like so:

For all possible keys:
    decrypted_block = decrypt(lastblock, key)
    current_block = xor(decrypted_block, "rotected by AES!")
    if current_block starts with fe1 and ends with 9ec3:
        we have found our full key and ciphertext block

Now, once we have that we have the key and first cipher text block, all that is left to be done is decrypt that cipher text block with the key and we would get the XOR of the plain text and the IV. Simply XOR with the plain text to retrieve the IV.

Here is the full script:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
import sys
import binascii
import itertools
import string

target = "fe100000000000000000000000009ec3307df037c689300bbf2812ff89bc0b49"
plain = "The message is protected by AES!"

def encrypt(message, passphrase):
    aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
    return aes.encrypt(message)

def decrypt(message, passphrase):
    aes =, AES.MODE_CBC, IV)
    return aes.decrypt(message)

def xor(thing1, thing2):
    res = []
    for i in range(len(thing1)):
        res.append( chr(ord(thing1[i]) ^ ord(thing2[i])))
    return "".join(res)

last_block = target[32:].decode("hex")
last_plain = plain[16:]
mutable_key = list(KEY)
for i in itertools.product(string.printable, string.printable):
    mutable_key[-2] = i[0]
    mutable_key[-1] = i[1]
    newkey = "".join(mutable_key)
    dec = decrypt(last_block, newkey)
    cur = xor(dec, last_plain).encode("hex")
    if cur[:3] == "fe1" and cur[28:32] == "9ec3":
        print "Found real key: %s (%s)" % (newkey, cur)
        REAL_KEY = newkey
        REAL_BLOCK = cur

real_dec = decrypt(REAL_BLOCK.decode("hex"), REAL_KEY)
REAL_IV = xor(real_dec, plain[:16])
print "IV: %s" % REAL_IV
print "Here's your flag: TMCTF{ %s }" % REAL_IV[4:]

Running it:

$ python
Found real key: 5d6I9pfR7C1JQt7$ (fe1199011d45c87d10e9e842c1949ec3)
IV: Key:rVFvN9KLeYr6
Here's your flag: TMCTF{rVFvN9KLeYr6}

Flag: TMCTF{rVFvN9KLeYr6}

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