TKBCTF 4 - Monochrome Bar
The only steganography challenge in TKBCTF4 and its only worth 100 points.
At first I thought it was morse code… Didn’t work out quite well going that route.
In the end it was decided that its a MANYpx by MANYpx image rearranged into MANYMANYpx by 1px image.
The code to piece the image back is as below.
#! /usr/bin/python2
from sys import argv
from PIL import Image
im =[1])
imageW = im.size[0]
imageH = im.size[1]
pixels = im.load()
brute = [100, 108, 135, 150, 162, 180, 225, 243, 270, 300, 324,
405, 450, 486, 540, 675, 729]
for width in brute:
out_w = width
out_h = im.size[0]/width
img =,
(out_w, out_h),
#y=height x=width
print '[+] Processing image size: {} x {}'.format(out_w, out_h)
h_count = 0
w_count = 0
for px in range(imageW):
if w_count == out_w:
#new height row
#print "w_count={}, h_count={}".format(w_count,h_count)
w_count = 0
h_count += 1
img.putpixel((w_count, h_count),pixels[px,0])
print "Writing {}x{}".format(str(out_w), str(out_h))'output_{}x{}.png'.format(str(out_w), str(out_h)), 'PNG')
Guess a few widths, and rearrange the pixels by the guesstimated widths.
The assembled image
I tried scanning it with the QR Code scanner from my phone but it didn’t work…
So I found this ZXing Decoder Online which decodes a bunch of barcodes and QR code that you can upload.
It spits out some Base64.
Decoding it produces the flag.
Flag: FLAG{Ch1t3k1k0k1sh1n-m4n}
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