A cookie using ECB mode encryption allows an attacker to forge admin privileges by rearranging encrypted blocks for decryption.
Here’s our solution:
import requests
host = "http://problems.ctfx.io:7001/"
#host = "http://localhost:3000/"
evil_params = {'username': 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA', 'password':'BBBBBBBBBBB',
'dmin':1, 'a':1}
def chunk(d, sz):
return [d[i:i+sz] for i in range(0, len(d), sz)]
def main():
s = requests.Session()
s.post(host + "login", data=evil_params)
auth = s.cookies.get("auth")
auth_chunks = chunk(auth, 32)
reveal = "".join((auth_chunks[0], auth_chunks[1], auth_chunks[4]))
s.cookies.set("auth", reveal)
flag_text = s.get(host).text
for i in flag_text.split("\n"):
if "Flag" in i:
print i
if __name__ == "__main__":
Running the script:
amon@Evanna:~/ctf/ctfx/crypto/customauth$ python exploit.py
<span><b>Flag: </b><code>ctf(ecb_m0de_too_Ez?)</code></span>
Flag: ctf(ecb_m0de_too_Ez?)
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