CSCAMP CTF 2014 - Logic (Crypto)
Message encoded in a seven segment display LED format.
hint: use the LED
At first, I thought LED mean Logical Error Detection so we almost got banned for that category trying the possibilities :P
But 50 minutes before the competition ended, I got a brainwave and realised that the hint was referring to a Seven Segment Display..
Seven segment display
So I wrote this script to translate the encoded message for me using the abcdefg scheme. Basically, we take the first seven bits as the main on/off flags for the lighted segments of the number and the last bit as the on/off flag for the decimal point.
def main():
data = "01100000-11110010-11110010-11100001"
transformation_table = {
0x7e: '0', 0x30: '1', 0x6d: '2',
0x79: '3', 0x33: '4', 0x5b: '5',
0x5f: '6', 0x70: '7', 0x7f: '8',
0x7b: '9', 0x77: 'A', 0x1f: 'b',
0x4e: 'C', 0x3d: 'd', 0x4f: 'E',
0x47: 'F'}
values = [(int(i[:7], 2), int(i[7])) for i in data.split('-')]
flag = ""
for i in values:
flag += transformation_table[i[0]]
flag += "." if i[1] else ""
print "Flag: %s" % flag
if __name__ == "__main__":
The result of running my script:
amon@Evanna$ python
Flag: 1337.
Flag: 1337.
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